After Weight Loss Surgery in Charlotte, NC

Celebrating a major weight loss is a significant achievement, but for many, it's a victory that may be overshadowed by the subsequent challenge of excess, sagging skin. This leftover skin often fails to fit their newly slimmed contours. For comprehensive skin tightening and body contouring, brachioplasty, thigh lift, and body lift are often necessary. These surgeries, performed by Dr. James Appel and Dr. Blair Wormer, address skin laxity and improve the shape and tone of the underlying tissue. For individuals in Charlotte, NC, undergoing these procedures at Appel Wormer Esthetics can be the final, triumphant phase in their weight reduction journey, offering a new lease on life and a body shape that reflects their hard-won success.

Post-weight loss surgery, including procedures like brachioplasty, thigh lift, and body lift, is a comprehensive, invasive treatment that requires general anesthesia with a duration ranging from 3 – 7 hours, depending on the extent of combined surgeries. Often, an overnight hospital stay is necessary for recovery. The process typically includes liposuction to address remaining fat deposits, followed by the excision of excess skin. Given the extensive nature of these procedures, larger incisions are inevitable, leading to more significant scarring compared to other cosmetic surgeries. However, Dr. Appel and Dr. Wormer exercise meticulous care to place incisions discreetly and provide detailed aftercare instructions for scar management to promote optimal healing and aesthetic results.

Weight loss is an impressive achievement worthy of celebration, yet it may also introduce challenges, such as sagging skin and localized fat deposits. At Appel Wormer Esthetics in Charlotte, NC, post-weight loss surgery offers a comprehensive solution with a host of additional benefits:

  • Eliminates drooping, excess skin
  • Enhances mobility and physical activity
  • Reduces skin irritation and infections
  • Firms and elevates skin
  • Creates a more refined, pleasing contour
  • Targets various body areas
  • Improves overall posture
  • Boosts self-confidence and self-worth
  • Resculpts the body for a balanced, aesthetically pleasing shape

Dr. Blair Wormer is the best .

C.B. Google

Has such a great experience getting lip fillers here, they're very professional and super reasonably priced! Loved Jen, she did such an amazing job! I will be back for other treatments soon!

S.C. Google

The staff is super friendly and Jen does a really great job. I wouldn't go anywhere else!! I highly recommend Appel Wormer Esthetics.

L.L. Google

If you are looking for the best cosmetic results with the most professional & friendly staff look no further! Dr. Appel & Dr. Wormer are amazing!!! So incredibly knowledgeable & truly care about their patients. Additionally Jen Little, is the go to girl in Charlotte for all your injectable needs! You know someone is great when they give you honest feedback and want to ensure results enhance your natural beauty instead of taking away from it. Highly recommend the whole staff here!

A.T. Google

If I could give more than 5 stars i absolutely would! I have had nothing but amazing experiences each and every time. Both dr Appel and his office ladies are so kind and helpful. I’ve had 2 surgeries so far with Dr Appel and the last one was at his new office surgery suites and I must say it was wonderful, of course no one loves surgery but his office was so peaceful and clean and just calming everyone was so patient and kind and no one rushed and the nurse in the operating room was so sweet and kind as well as the ladies who were in the recovery room with me. This was the most amazing experience and nothing at all like having a surgery in a hospital. Also no matter what time both Dr Appel and his staff are always there to help or answer any questions or concerns and Dr Appel even made time to call and check on me that night after surgery a few times just to make sure I was okay. He also takes his time with his patients and really listens to them, I struggle with horrible body dysmorphia and he always makes me feel heard and does everything in his power to help his patients and he is honest as well. His work is amazing and I’ve never felt more confident in my own skin. I can say Dr Appel and his office ladies are stuck with me I’m a patient for life and I can’t say enough amazing things about them! ❤️

S.M. Google


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Congratulations on reaching your weight loss goals; it's a significant milestone! Should you find yourself dealing with loose and creased skin, Drs. Appel and Wormer are here to guide you through the next steps of your transformation journey. Skin removal surgery after weight loss can refine your silhouette even further, allowing you to achieve and even exceed your body aspirations. Get in touch with Appel Wormer Esthetics in Charlotte, NC, and our patient coordinator will be delighted to assist you.

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