Breast Augmentation in Charlotte, NC

Cosmetic breast surgery is a procedure that adds volume to breasts to create a fuller look. It is known as one of the most desired cosmetic surgeries, providing women who are unhappy with their breast shape numerous options for improvement. With the help of implants or fat grafting, this cosmetic treatment improves breast size and shape and creates an appealing and natural-looking outcome. Charlotte, NC plastic surgeons Dr. James Appel and Dr. Blair Wormer are experienced in executing this procedure and perform many breast augmentations each year. During your consultation at Appel Wormer Esthetics, your surgeon will address your concerns and desires and provide you with all of the choices available while also tailoring a treatment plan to attain your goals.

Incision placement and implant placement are aspects that are made before surgery. During the procedure, the chosen incision is created and then the implant will be slipped into its position. Two techniques may be applied for implant placement. These include either submuscular placement (under the pec muscle) or behind the breast tissue but over the pectoral muscle. Where to place the breast implant depends on varying factors, including the size and type of implant, along with the expertise of Dr. Appel and Dr. Wormer. No matter where the incision is placed, scarring is usually minimal. Implant placement is determined based on your implant size, activity level, and body type.

During a fat grafting procedure, you will be under some form of anesthesia. The exact type of anesthesia or numbing method will depend on how much fat tissue is being removed, including where it will be reinstated. Liposuction is first performed using a thin, special cannula to carefully extract the fat, which will then be purified and harvested inside a centrifuge (which preps the highest quality fat for syringes). After preparing the injection site, the healthy fat tissue will be transferred into the breasts. The process of injecting is completed in layers until the desired outcome has been attained.

For patients who are looking to grow the volume of their breasts and improve their overall appearance, breast augmentation in Charlotte, NC at Appel Wormer Esthetics offers a large array of excellent benefits, like:

  • Boosts confidence and view of self
  • Balances asymmetrical breast shape
  • Emphasizes breast size and volume
  • Helps with revitalizing breasts affected by breastfeeding, aging, or significant weight loss
  • Rebuilds breasts following a mastectomy
  • Gives you dramatic, lasting results
  • Lets you enjoy a larger range of clothing

Along with these advantages, breast augmentation can also:

  • Last for 15 years or longer for some individuals
  • Offer many implant choices
  • Have a recovery time that is generally rapid
  • Create an appealing aesthetic
  • Be effective and safe for most patients
  • Help to get the figure you want to have

Dr Wormer has been great for me an my Explant. He is very kind, knowledgeable and remembers who you are. Suffering from now what we believe is BII (Breast Implant Illness) he was able to Explant and improve everyone of my symptoms that I suffered for over the life of my Implants of 9 years….high blood pressure, major weight gain, aches and pains, numbness, constipation, eye vision was going bad fast and just over all Not myself! The heal is real and will take sometime after the Explant but Dr Wormer will be there the whole way. Thank you Dr Wormer and staff for believing in me and giving me back my health.

T.W. Google


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Breast enhancement surgery with implants or fat transfer is well sought out for many excellent reasons. Both procedures are safe and effective and produce amazing outcomes. With numerous augmentation considerations, you can have the bustline you have always wanted. Appel Wormer Esthetics is proud to provide these proven treatments, and we invite you to learn more. Contact Appel Wormer Esthetics in Charlotte, NC to schedule your initial consultation with Dr. James Appel or Dr. Blair Wormer.

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